Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.
—Albert EinsteinSupersonic Impinging Jet Flows |
These studies investigate the interaction between supersonic jets and solid surfaces to characterize fundamental flow physics and determine principal mechanisms responsible for high noise levels and other adverse effects. Within the Aeropropulsion realm, supersonic impinging jets are found in a multitude of applications related to tactical aircraft and rocket propulsion operation. The ongoing studies at FSU have been a gradual evolution starting with the fundamental geometry of a normally impinging jet, such as encountered in VTOL aircraft operations, and extending to more complicated asymmteric geometries of oblique impingement, representative of STOL aircraft interaction with the jet blast deflector (JBD) on aircraft carriers. In the normal impingement studies, we have characterized acoustic and resonant phenomena and demonstrated active flow control methods to mitigate noise levels and unsteadiness in high-temperature jets. Currently, with the guidance of our DoD collaborators, detailed investigations on jet blast deflector impingement are underway including schlieren/shadowgraph flow visualization, near-field and far-field acoustic measurements, and unsteady pressure measurements on the deck surface. These measurements have allowed a greater understanding of prominent flow features and noise generating mechanisms, guiding the development of future flow control techniques.
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